Iberian cured hams and shoulders

Shoulders and hams and Iberian Bellota recebo. Pieces carefully selected with category distinction depending on the the animal’s feeding and its percentage of breed purity.

Jamón (ham) de Bellota 100% ibérico
Paleta (shoulder) de Bellota ibérica
Jamón (ham) de Cebo Campo
Paleta (shoulder) de Cebo Campo

Central office
C/ Amnistía Internacional 36
Pol. Ind. Torre Mirona
17190 Salt (Girona)
Tel. (+34) 972 245 747 - (+34) 972 245 711

Pol. Ind. el Bierzo, parcelas 23-57
24570 Torral de los Vados (León)

Aviso legal
Factory and Slaughter house

Plaza José Antonio Escuredo s/n
21290 Jabugo (Huelva)
Tel. (+34) 959 121 009 - (+34) 959 121 286